Starting this blog took quite a bit of time last week, which is funny enough since I am not to the point where I'm driving traffic to it. I know it takes a few months to get these things going, and that is if you are a prolific blogger. So, heading to Houston this weekend to visit some family, I took a few days off. Anyone have those family members who, come hell or high water, always manage to be great hosts? That would be most of my extended family, but particularly my Aunt and Uncle who live in The Woodlands, TX. They are true "foodies" and spare no expense when company comes around. Since they moved to The Woodlands from San Francisco last year, I have enjoyed many a fine, fine meal while visiting. Sadly, in a rather surprising turn of events, my Aunt passed away this past December. She was a beautiful, successful, intelligent, and vivacious woman, who truly enriched the lives of those she was evidenced by the over 150 in attendance at her funeral.
For all my Uncle has been through, he still throws a get-together like the two of them did when my Aunt was alive. We all enjoyed each other's company, had a fantastic meal and tried to escape the humid heat by jumping in the pool. It's interesting how we can lose someone so important in our lives, and feel the impact of that loss, but the understanding of our own mortality becomes so vividly clear that we recognize the need to celebrate the life we still have left to live. Ahhh, the beauty of self preservation.
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